
AV Links Communication Logo
About Us

We are committed to give our best services

Started, working career as professional AV system integrators in 1994 for an established specialist AV Company in audio-video/security surveillance/public address system for brands such as TOA, BOSCH & INTER M.

Travelled overseas for audio-visual & public address systems project implementation in China/Shanghai & Wuxi, Brunei Darussalam, Batam/Indonesia between 1998 to 2002. Professionally involved in setting-up of the audio-video/public address system for the local military camps, government schools & polytechnics & many more entities. Relevant working experience of over 28 years had produced AV LINKS COMMUNICATIONS(ASIA) PTE LTD & two more other companies

Our Motto is ‘Service with a Difference’. We offer you the best help/knowledge and sincere effort to be your Friends in Business.

Specialized Expert Team


AV Consultant

Vignesh Kumar

AV Engineer


Senior AV Engineer
